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27 March 2020

Government announces collaboration to set up new hub laboratories for COVID-19 testing

Introduced by

Department of Health and Social Care

Targeted at

Industry, researchers, funders


Announced on 27 March 2020. First laboratory hubs expected to receive approval the following day. Hubs will set up 'for the duration of the crisis'

Stated aims

To increase COVID-19 testing capacity and carry out research into antibody testing


The government announces a new programme to increase COVID-19 testing capacity. The government will work with industry (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Amazon, Boots, Royal Mail and Randox), the Wellcome Trust and UK universities to set up new hub laboratories 'for the duration of the crisis'. The press release states that the first samples processed in the hubs will be from health workers and then 'as the labs’ capacity increases, other front-line workers 'will be tested'.


Gov.uk press release